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Social Entrepreneurs

social entrepreneur

What we offer

At We Share Forward Foundation we don’t want a lack of funding to hold back Social Entrepreneurs from attaining the SDGs. Through us, eligible Social Entrepreneurs can receive philanthropic impact funding. Social Entrepreneurs are eligible for donations or other forms of funding up to a maximum of € 250,000. Alongside this, we provide tailored support to help our social start-ups make the most of their potential.

Our focus

Our current focus is on three important themes aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 3, promoting good health and well-being, SDG 2, ending hunger, and SDG 4, ensuring quality education.

While these areas are of utmost importance to us, we are always looking to broaden our horizons and explore new avenues for growth. If you have a unique and impactful idea, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. If your proposal catches our attention, we will be sure to get in touch with you for further discussion in the future.

social entrepreneurship
social entrepreneur grants

Draft contract

Every Social Entrepreneur that wants to raise funding via We Share Forward Foundation signs a draft contract. This is a basic agreement highlighting the terms of collaboration and what is expected from all parties. It is a lean, moral agreement wherein you agree to 'share it forward' in the future, financially and/or non-financially, to support the next generation of Social Entrepreneurs. 

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